Paradise Dreams Slots

Paradise Dreams Slots

If there was a more fitting theme for an online slot machine, we're not sure what it would be! Lounging on the beach definitely has to be in our top five things that we would do with the earnings from a game like Paradise Dreams, and we tend to dream of being on beaches the longer we play these sorts of games. This game definitely have a set of developers with similar intentions, putting it all together in a way we can all relate to. You can almost see the coconut milk out of the featured images, and it makes you feel quite relaxing like you were almost on the beach.

The game play itself also does a very admirable job of keeping things interesting. You're back can be multiplied all the way up to 200 times, and you can win 2500 coins if you manage to match those lovely tropical birds. The girl that self ask is a wonderful substitute simple as they tend to operate in these games, and the way scatters work is hidden behind the island. This is technically not a whole lot new or innovative compared to other games, but the way it comes together here in a way that manages to feel fresh because of how well it was done!

If you are looking for a relaxing slot machine game and are in this one for the money, you will have a wonderful time here. We had an absolute blast, and have no regrets for the time we sunk into this one. Our only complaint is that we can easily go to a beach in real life, but with a game like this, you almost don't have to!

What You Can Expect

A relaxing and fast-paced time might sound like a contradiction, but that is the delicate balance that they managed to achieve here. It all comes together in a wonderfully done way that we have a lot of respect for. They clearly put a lot of thought into the combination of game play and theme, making it all feels somewhat zen like the longer you do it. If there were one thing that we could say that would describe this game, then on the beach probably would be it!

The game place here is about standard for real time gaming, having a nice bonus round that involves you picking your prize, some very to coin sizes they go all the way up to around five dollars each, and a maximum bets that goes all the way up to $100 a spent. This bet itself is not necessarily so high that you would be able to retire on the beach for a bit, but if you play long enough, you just might!

You can also match a wide variety of familiar things, such as the many suits are playing cards, some wonderful coconut, flowers, women, and birds, as well as the island itself, and a tropical fish that we are sure it is well done but I can't think of the name of! It's one of those little Finding Nemo things.

What They Could Have Improved

Although the theme of the game is meant to be a somewhat relaxing, there are some things they could have done here to make it a little bit better. One of them is definitely adding in some really big progressive jackpots that would go along the top of the island affair. We do really enjoy the pick your prize bonus mode, but they could have easily done a lot more when it came to that. A progressive jackpot is an easy thing to implement, and the fact that they did not is somewhat sad thing. It's not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things, but it is something that you will feel the longer you play.

Another thing we wish they would have changed is the number of pay lines. It would have been great if they would have made them go all the way up to a higher number such as 30, but for now, 20 is what we are dealing with. It's about standard, but it's an easy way for them to make the game more unique if they wanted to.

General Style and Presentation

The presentation is very well done, with some rough edges here and there. Usually we absolutely hate suits are playing cards, but the ones they have dogs here are so hipnotic that they almost look better than everything else. The backdrop is also lovely, perfectly capturing the tropical feel of an island you would want to rest on. The color scheme is also really great, being a nice mix of greens, pinks, and blues. Everything makes it really feel like you're on the beach itself! All of the images are also wonderfully well drawn. You won't expect anything over really well done here, but it really is good, and gets better the longer that you look at it. There are some fine details in areas like the fish that we found ourselves smiling about the longer we saw it spin by!

Summing Up the Game

Paradise Dreams Slots is certainly not the only game about being lost on an island full of money, but it is one of our favorites. If only Gilligan and his crew could have had something like this to play while they were out there, we imagine they would have gotten into a lot of trouble while they were there, and at the end of the day, would likely never have wanted to leave! If your dream vacation resembles the title image, you love tropical things, and like bright colorful watery looking graphics, this game is great. There is a nice balance of relaxation with the enticing alure of online gambling that works quite well, and we can easily say that almost anyone will have a good time with this amazing game!